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Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo Appointed New Deputy Chief Justice
Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo

Kampala. HE Yoweri Museveni appointed Hon. Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo as the new Deputy Chief Justice.

In a letter dated August 18, 2017 to the Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Rebecca Kadaga,the President also appointed Hon. Justice Richard Buteera and Hon. Justice Paul Mugamba as Supreme Court justices.

"This, therefore, is to forward to you their names and curriculum vitae for parliamentary approval," HE Museveni said.

The letter is copied to the Prime Minister, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs and the Chairperson of the Judicial Service Commission. The appointments will take effect if Parliament approves the nominees.          Hon. Justice Owinyi- Dollo handled, among other cases, the 2010 Kyadondo Terrorism case in which seven were convicted.

The current Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Steven Kavuma, is due to retire at the end of September when he clocks 70 - the mandatory retirement age. 

The DCJ, according to Article 135 and 136 of the Constitution, deputizes the Chief Justice as and when need arises. He is the the head of the Constitutional Court/Court of Appeal and in that capacity assists the Chief Justice in the administration of that court. The Deputy Chief Justice also presides over the sittings of the Constitutional Court/Court of Appeal.

In the Deputy Chief Justice's absence, the most senior member of the court presides over the sittings.

When sitting as a court, the Constitutional Court/Court of Appeal shall consist of a bench of five members of that court.   

Posted 24th, August 2017
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